The successful Broadway musical based on the Disney animated film is now showing in Spain, produced by Stage Entertainment (Teatro Coliseum. Tuesday to Sundays). Tickets on sale
World premiere in Spanish of the funniest and most successful musical comedy of the past decade (Teatro Calderón. Tuesday to Sunday. 19 Sept-1 Dec). Tickets on sale
The hit musical comedy based on ABBA songs is back with a new production, choreography, costumes and stage design (Teatro Rialto. Tuesdays to Sundays. 3 Oct-1 Dec). Tickets on sale
The Spanish capital is home to the world’s most sensational music and culinary event (IFEMA Madrid. Thursday to Sundays. From 14 September). Tickets on sale
The multi-award winning Broadway musical lands in Madrid with this adaptation by Carla Calabrese and Marcelo Kotliar (Teatro Marquina. Thursday to Sunday. 12 Sept-30 Nov). Tickets on sale
A new theatre adaptation of one of the great musicals of all times (Teatro Apolo. Tuesday to Sunday. 25 Sept-3 Nov). Tickets on sale
The musical that has taken the world by storm for decades brings its cast to Madrid (UMusic Hotel Teatro Albéniz. Tuesday to Sunday. Season 2: from 27 September). Tickets on sale
This show about Queen, co-produced by Brian May and Roger Taylor, returns to the stage (Gran Teatro CaixaBank Príncipe Pío. Fridays to Sundays. 11-27 October). Tickets on sale
Theatrical adaptation of the prestigious French film, directed by José Luis Sixto (Teatro La Latina. Wednesday to Sunday. 17 Oct-24 Nov). Tickets on sale
The world premiere of this innovative musical based on Ken Follett's bestseller is coming to Madrid. (Teatro EDP Gran Vía. Tuesdays to Sundays. 14 Nov- 2 Feb). Tickets on sale